Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Human Cell Science

Animal cell is a common name to Eukaryotic cell prepares animal tissue. Animal cell is different from another eukaryotic cell, like a plant cell. Because animal cell has no cell wall, chloroplast, and usually animal cell have a more little vakuola or not even exist, centrosome and centriole look apparent.  Because animal cell haven’t hard cell wall so the animal cell have a variation form. Human cell is a one type from animal cell. 

The human body was constantly continuously create new fat cells grow to replace every occurrence of the fat cells are dying due to natural processes of aging. 

In humans, cells are the building blocks of life to the body. The cells that make up the human body are so small that the average diameter of about 10 to 20 micrometers. Although there is actually no such thing as cell "typical", because of the wide variety of specialized structures and functions, various cell has three main subdivisions: The plasma membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm.

Plasma membrane or the cell membrane is a very thin membranous structure that encloses each cell, separating the contents of the cell with its environment. Plasma membrane lipid formed by a double-layered nature of fluids with proteins immersed in it and attaches a variety of carbohydrates on the outer surfaces. Plasma membrane serves to separate intracellular and extracellular fluid, as a mechanical barrier to hold the contents of the cell, and selectively controlling the movement of molecules between intracellular fluid and extra cellular fluid.

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